Photo courtesy of Sherry Dilling
Live reenactments of Rumble & Scream feature the post-industrial hillbilly-bard, “Lattimore Scream,” singing and storytelling with oft-effected guitars and banjos, harmonicas, and more, while his partner moves effortlessly between drums and percussion to samplers, synthesizers, and keyboards—depending on what each piece requires.
Other recording partners & friends, accompany when the stars align and schedules permit. The band can also pare down for more intimate acoustic performances.
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Rumble & Scream w/ Zach Bryson & Travis McCoy @ Church in the Middle of the Block
Rumble & Scream perform selections from Act I of Post-Industrial Sounds in Pennsylkrainia—A Folk-Rock Opera at Church in the Middle of the Block!
Guest performances by Zach Bryson (as seen on Western AF from Nashville, TN) and local favorite Travis McCoy (Grassflat, PA)!
Show begins at 7 PM in the sanctuary-theatre and please join us for a small post-show reception in the Egyptian Room downstairs!
Tickets are available at this link for $10 presale and will be $12 at the door!
We can’t wait to see you all there!